Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Just breathe it's a good thing

First of all, thank you so much for all the sweet comments, texts, and love after my blog last night. 

As most any other parent would be, I was really worried, and really anxious about today. All of your prayers and kind words helped ease my mind.

This "happy blog post"  will be fairly short and to the point.

We saw Dr Fuchs after the MRI, and he thinks that the tumor has decreased in size.
(The radiology team had not had a chance to look at the MRI, he feels sure they will agree with him.)

This was definitely unexpected great news, and even better news than I thought we would hear.
(I thought we would either hear that the tumor size was stable and hadn't grown, or that it had  changed in size and was bigger.)

Dr Fuchs says we are are not out of the woods yet with this thing.  But today's news is fantastic, and as he told me, "just breathe it's a good thing."

I have attached a picture of his MRI from January, and from today.  If you look closely, you can see the changes that Dr Fuchs talked about.

As always, your prayers and love are greatly appreciated.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019


Time has moved so slowly since our last appointment three months ago...

But at the same time it has moved so quickly since our last appointment...

I am dreading his MRI in the morning...

I want more than anything for everything to be ok...

I want to know that his grade II tumor hasn't grown...

I don't think I can bear to hear that it has grown...

Please pray that my boy will be ok...

One worried Mama...

One RockStar Kid...
