Hello all,
I never know exactly what I am going to say when I start a post. I guess that is part of the realness of blogging. Right now, I am typing without any true preamble. That is because, I just don't know where to begin.
I guess I will start with the basics...
It is Sunday, Nov 18th, and it was one of the BIG appointment days. It was the day of the complete spinal cord MRI (all 90 minutes of it).
We will supposedly have more answers about that "pesky spinal cord lesion" tomorrow at our follow up appointment.
Scary times.
I love that child and I am terrified of what we may hear in the morning. It's so different having a "almost grown up" teenager vs having a "sick" baby. Trust me, neither are easy and they both suck equally.
I hate that I understand both sides.
As the Mom, to this incredible kid, the thought of even having to watch him process what is happening or could happen is almost too much to bear. He is my old soul and takes everything to heart. But I know him, and I know that if he hears bad tomorrow he will make a quick joke to try to make everyone else around him feel better.
Lots of people say I am so strong. They are wrong,
I have never felt weaker.
I took breast cancer on in 2011 (after Braeden's brain tumor diagnosis in 2005) 4 months of chemo, 6 weeks of radiation, and 9 surgeries. That was easy because it was me, and not Braeden.
Answers are needed to say the least about the lesion and left sided weakness (which has caused more trouble this week that I won't bore you with).
I will end on this note.....
Monday will now a day in my history "bank". If you all know me, and I would say most you do, you all know I associate all things with a date or a number.
I hope that 11/19/18 will be a good day to remember.
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