Saturday, December 8, 2018

Barefeet & Bojangles

Good morning to all!  I wanted to update all of you good people on how Braeden's week has been.

He has had lots of company which has done him a world of good.

Added bonus, he has been able to play card and board games with some of our company, and he has really enjoyed those interactions.  All the while,  being able to eat the gifts of yummy treats.

He has always enjoyed being around others and it has done him great good to be surrounded by people. He also wants everyone to know he appreciates all of the goodies that he has received.

The week has not been without challenges that is to be expected.  BUT he is improving EVERYDAY.  On Thursday he was accomplishing things that he was unable to do on Wednesday and so forth.  Daily this child impresses me with his diligence to get better.

He has been pretty tired the past few days, and still hasn't had the energy to tackle his schoolwork.  I think yesterday he realized that he may need to take more than two weeks from school to recover.  I definitely think he needs more time to get back to 100%.   I would say he is at about 60 to 70%

He nearly plowed me over this morning going down the stairs, when I mentioned I was going on a Bojangles run this morning.  He said I needed to pick up my pace 😍.   I guess it is safe to say the cane is going to end up in a closet somewhere.

We managed to get into our local OT office this week. (He will be seen in WF next week for PT, which is great.  Chapel Hill is a haul for us, and the drive there is no fun with the traffic we would surely face.)

OT is essentially NO FUN.  Braeden is really struggling with the exercises.  Some of them are very difficult for me to do.  (The dreaded pink putty, I know my OT friends know what I am speaking of and it is enemy # 1 over here)

We repeated strength testing on Thursday at the OT appointment.  Below is a "chart" of the results of his strength testing.

Grip Strength       

Date                              Left Hand                     Right Hand

09/19/18                        15 to 16 lbs                    60 to 64 lbs

10/31/18                         6 to 10 lbs                     60 to 64 lbs

12/06/18                         5 lbs                              60 lbs

Pinch Strength

Date                              Left Hand                      Right Hand

09/19/18                       2 lbs                                 10 lbs

10/31/18                       1 lb                                   10 lbs

12/06/18                       0.2 lb                                5 to 6 lbs

The pinch strength on 12/6 is obviously very concerning.  All the more reason for him to work as hard as he can on his exercises, no matter how difficult they are.

Monday is a big day for Braeden, he has an appointment to get his stitches out.

More importantly, we should find out the pathology results. These results will certainly lead us down a "path, "  I am hoping that it is an EASY path.   I pray that chemotherapy and radiation will not be necessary, but with some of the tumor being left behind, it is a real possibility.

I know that once we know what we are dealing with, he/we will take it head on as we do.

As NC would have it, we are on standby for snow.  From all of the reports, it seems that it will be a significant amount.   Braeden's appointment is at 9:30 at Duke that morning.  I am hoping that it will not be a treacherous drive to Duke that day.

As always, prayers are appreciated and working.

Below is a pic from this morning from our Bojangles run.  Braeden has always been the kid that goes on errands with me.  It was so good to see him back in the passenger seat beside me even it was 38 degrees and he was barefoot.  I mean the kid is going to catch a cold like my grandma would say.


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